Category: Holarchy concepts

  • Some UX thoughts

    Nodal InterfaceThe nodal interface represents a visual and interactive way to organize and connect ideas, tasks, and information. It’s akin to a mind map or TheBrain, where related concepts are linked together to form a web of associations. This interface serves as the foundation for the holarchy UI, allowing users to navigate and manipulate complex…

  • Scale-independent workflow

    In the workflow context, a class is best understood as an ”organisational role”. Once instantiated, it performs various behaviours dynamically with respect to its local environment. It can have phases of operation, starting with the factory phase where it “installs” itself, embodying/backing behaviour variations that best fit the local environment, needs and preferences. Thereafter it…

  • Relating a holon to workflow

    We can think of the multiplexed instance tree as a queuing system. The links between the workflow nodes (async functions leading from one to the next) are like (possibly conditional) links in a promise chain. In a holon, all the workflow nodes connect each other into such a chain and there can also be other…